How to collaborate with remote partners using CalTopo and Zoom
Published by Richard Bothwell on
One of my favorite “hidden” features of is the ability to collaboarate remotely and make live changes to the map. I can share a map with friends, my friends can make updates to the map on their screen, and like magic, their updates appear on my screen. I’m not talking about using the annotation tools on Zoom, which allows anyone to draw lines on a shared screen. I’m talking about having each person mark up the map, and the changes stay with the map.
We’re assuming you already know how to create a map in CalTopo and can add routes to your map. If you don’t, we have a great class that will walk you through those steps.
You can see this feature in action in the video below, or read on for the instructions: Special bonus in the video: See how to create a PDF map in CalTopo that can be used in Avenza Maps app.
Step 1: Create a map on
You’ll need to add something to the map. Add a marker, a line, a folder…anything. Once you do, you should be prompted to save the map. Name your map and save it.
Step 2: Create a shareable link, giving your partners update or write access
Once you’ve saved the map, click on the info icon to open the sharing dialogue. Select Read, Update or Write. Read will allow your friends to see your map, but make no changes. Update will allow your friends to add things to the map. Write allows your friends to add and delete items from the map.
Pro tip: you can create multiple shareable links for each map. You can create and share a Write link to your most trusted friends, an Update link to friends who you trust to add things, but who may inadvertantly delete a route you created, and a Read link to friends who you just don’t want messing with anything.
Share the link via chat.
Step 3: That’s it!
Once your friends have a shareable link, they can open the map and make changes to it. When they make any updates, you’ll see their changes show up on the map in real time. If you or they make changes later, those changes will also be updated for everyone who looks at the map.
So there you have it…how to easily collaborate with remote partners using Caltopo while planning.
If you’re interested in learning more, check out our online classes that cover avalanche topics as well as using CalTopo, or join one of our small-group AIARE avalanche classes. Our AIARE classes are limited to either 6 students total with one instructor or 9 students with two instructors. You will have plenty of personal attention with your instructor in an Outdoor Adventure Club AIARE avalanche class!